Sunspot Images 2003 |
Jupiter & Europa 1-30-2002
Astro-Physics 10" Maksutov-Cassegrain
Astrovid 2000 recorded on Mini-DV
edited in iMovie & stacked in Photoshop 6
Takahashi TSC 225, |
Plato 20K
with labels 29K March 6, 1998 |
Rupes Recta 33K (The Straight Wall) July 31, 1998 |
Timocharis & Archimedes 7K March 6, 1998 by Arthur Babcock & Robin Casady Takahashi 225 TSC CCD - 216XT |
Parry 8K
March 6, 1998 |
March 6, 1998 |
Takahashi 225 TSC |
Ptatus & Clavius 33K
with labels 44K March 6, 1998 |
Takahashi 225 TSC |
Takahashi 225 TSC |
Mare Humorum
March 9, 1998 One of the rilles of Rimae Mersenius is visible in the larger image. Takahashi 225 TSC |
Takahashi 225 TSC |
Hesiodus Ray
Sunlight streams through a gap in the crater wall to cast a ray on its floor. Takahashi 225 TSC |
Intes MK-67 |
Lunar Eclipse
March 23, 1997 |
Hale-Bopp & M34
April 4, 1997 |
Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy (MIRA)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon
The Nine Planets and other resources from Bill Arnett
The Astronomy Connection [TAC]